Merry Kootenay Powmas

Pushing further east, the air is brisk and the powder snow hangs in the air seemingly unaffected by gravity.The storm chase has been fruitful, with an abundance of quality Kootenay Blower on a base of 60cm of stumps, rocksharks and snowsnakes.  Trucks are rammed into snowbanks and snowponies are expelled into a belching haze of exhaust and turbo whine. Within minutes, we turn off the main track and plow a thick trench away from any other humans. This is our zone now.

DSC09319This peaceful winter scene is about to be disturbed by the laughing and yelling that accompanies the never-ending-trail-breaking-face-shot.

DSC09322Three people left the parking lot with three snowmobiles. In classic fashion, one of the machines was broken by the time we got to this spot and the other two were choking on pow. Tandem powmachine time for these two lucky folks.

DSC09332Plowing the trail with his bumper.

DSC09336Henry, showing off his patented Powcatcher™ beard.

DSC09343Heartwood of Cedar

DSC09344Bunch of cold people over there, skiing in the shade.

DSC09357Fresh turns, punchy coreshots, and blue skies!

DSC09375This snow doesn’t seem to care that there’s no clouds around, it just floats around waiting to hit someone in the face.

DSC09380Some of the golden, powdery light hit Henry in the face – I’m glad I was there to capture the moment.

DSC09383Snowy trees and Rocky rocks.

DSC09389Stealing one more run before the snowmobile recovery operation commences.

DSC09410Grace, showcasing some quality Kootenay Powdersnow skiing.

DSC09416Snowmobiles are less fun when you only have a brake.

DSC09417Mid-winter light on an old friend makes for some glorious evening viewing.

DSC094262.5 Sisters, cloaked in Kootenay Golden Blower.

DSC09425Pink and Orange last lights dance across the the further extents of the Lizard.

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